We Do AWS And Azure

Multiple cloud solutions, rapidly evolving cloud technology, and non-centralized adoption limit the ability of organizations to capture the full benefit of cloud investments. Polar’s proprietary smart cloud brokerage service empowers rapid cloud adoption. We build, manage and govern Public, Private and Hybrid cloud environments.

Polar migrates applications and data to secure cloud hosting environments. Polar can guide the customer’s transformation to cloud-based architectures. After conducting a detailed technical analysis to understand requirements, we prepare a cost-effective and secure cloud architecture.  Our technical review includes every important layer of the environment requirements such as database, storage, security, connectivity, disaster recovery and business continuity.

Our approach enables Environment-as-a-Service and DevOps capabilities and implementation of appropriate security patterns utilizing AZURE/AWS capabilities.

Polar’s Cloud Ecosystem Adoption Approach

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Polar’s expertise include Azure and AWS, two major cloud ecosystem providers in the market.

Polar works closely with customers to migrate their applications onto hybrid and public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and to build new applications on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models.

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